Drama Lesson Plan for Schools-Tour Guide

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Original Drama Notebook activity in which students play tour guides, leading the rest of the class through an imaginary tour of a famous location. Excellent drama integration activity. Includes four printable lists of things to tour.

This is an excellent activity to use when integrating drama into subjects such as history and geography. Additionally, your students will have fun while learning about structures, museums and natural wonders they may never have a chance to see in their lifetime.

In this original Drama Notebook lesson, students take turns leading their classmates on an imaginary tour of a famous location. Included are complete instructions, and four printable lists of locations ready to use with your group:

  • List of Attractions
    This is a general list that combines natural wonders, landmarks and famous buildings. This list is the easiest to use as it mostly contains place familiar to your students.
  • List of Natural Wonders
    This list is best-suited for a cross-curricular lesson in geography. It contains natural places such as Niagara Falls and the Great Barrier Reef.
  • List of Landmarks
    This list mostly contains iconic places that have historical significance such as Mt. Rushmore and Stonehenge.
  • List of Buildings
    This list includes famous buildings around the world that have cultural or historical significance such as Buckingham Palace and the Taj Mahal.
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