Cormorant And Rainbow Snake Script Royalty-free Play Script for Schools

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 by Adele on Drama Notebook


Short script based on a Venezuelan myth. Parts for 15, flexible cast. Ages 6-10. Includes activities and more! (3 credits.)

In this short script based on a Venezuelan myth, a cormorant discovers a rainbow snake in a lake. He drags it to shore and discovers that the colors rub off on feathers. He shares the colors of the snake with the other birds, never taking any for himself. It is a story of generosity and sharing.

The play runs about five minutes and is two pages long. Most of the characters are exotic birds that one would find in South America.

Also included are:
  • Fun facts about South America
  • Discussion questions
  • Seven additional drama/learning activities
Excerpt from the play:


Narrator One
Narrator Two
Two Sun Conures

Scene: The edge of a lake in Venezuela.

(ENTIRE CAST enters. They are all draped in gray fabric or dressed in gray and moving about like birds. Sounds of nature play in the background.)

Narrator One: Once upon a time, near the edge of a lake in Venezuela, birds were drinking, and hopping around and pecking at the ground for seeds and insects.

(ENTIRE CAST exits, moving off-stage like birds.)

Narrator One: In the beginning, all of the birds in the world had feathers that were plain gray.

(CORMORANT enters. Finds the rainbow snake on the ground.)

Narrator Two: One day, a cormorant came across a dead snake lying in the water at the edge of the lake. It was a rainbow snake with lots of bright colors in his glossy scales.

Narrator Two: The cormorant hopped into the water and dragged the snake ashore with his beak.

(The FINCH enters.)

Cormorant: (To the FINCH.) Look what I found. It must have just fallen out of the sky.

Finch: What wonderful colors. Even if I had just one of those colors in my feathers, it would make me look like a king.

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