Little Red Hen Royalty-free Play Script for Schools-

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5-22 characters, for ages 6-10. Ten-minute play based on a popular European folk-tale.

In this short play, a little red hen works hard making bread. The other animals on the farm are lazy and not willing to help. But once the bread is made, they are all willing to eat it!

The story teaches lessons about working hard, helping others, staying active, and the importance of earning.

The script is four pages long and can run up to ten minutes. As written, the play has 5 characters, but it can be easily expanded up to 22 characters.

Also included are:
  • Optional list of additional characters, including their lines
  • 12 insightful discussion questions
  • Fun facts about Europe
  • Four additional drama/learning activities

Drama Notebook has a collection of six short plays from six different continents that you can use to teach a unit on stories from around the world, or plays from various cultures!

North America – Nanuk and the Hunter
South America – Cormorant and Rainbow Snake
Asia – The Monkey and the Mango
Europe – The Little Red Hen
Oceania – Kiwi’s Gift
Africa – How Anansi got his Stories

Excerpt from the play:


Narrator One
Little Red Hen

(Optional extra characters listed at the end of the script.)

Small farm.

Once upon a time, a lamb, a cat, a pig, and a little red hen lived on an old farm on a flowery hill surrounded by fields of golden wheat. One day, the Little Red Hen found some grains of wheat scattered in the barnyard.

Little Red Hen
Look what I’ve found! Who will help me plant these grains of wheat?

Not I! I have to frolic in the sun!

Offstage Players
Said the Lamb!

Not I! I have to take a nap!

Offstage Players
Said the Cat!

Not I! I have to roll in the mud!

Offstage Players
Said the Pig!

Little Red Hen
Then I’ll do it myself.

And so, she did. She knew that seeds need water to grow tall and strong.

Little Red Hen
Who will help me water these seeds?

Not I! I have to frolic in the sun!

Offstage Players
Said the Lamb!

Not I! I have to take a nap!

Offstage Players
Said the Cat!

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