Use this collection of poems full of sounds to help students develop articulation, projection and inflection skills. The poems have parts for 2-4 actors each, so students can practice and give each other feedback in small groups.
Example of a noisy poem:
(Three players)
Player One
Dot a dot dot a dot dot
Spotting the window pane
Spack a spack speck flick a flack fleck
Freckling the window pane
Player Two
A spatter a scatter a wet cat a clatter
A splatter a rumble outside
Umbrella umbrella umbrella umbrella
Bumbershoot barrel of rain.
Player Three
Slosh a galosh slosh a galosh
Slither and slather and glide
A puddle a jump a puddle a jump
A puddle a jump puddle splosh
A juddle a pump aluddle a dump a
Puddmuddle jump in and slide!
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