DN List of Emotions Esp

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List of 37 distinct emotions for drama class. Ready to print out and put in a hat for use with improvisational situations/games.

Every drama teacher eventually makes his/her own list of emotions. This one is done for you and laid out on the page so that it’s easy to print and cut apart and put the emotions in the hat. There are five suggested activities to go along with the list! Materials like these help save you time, and allow you to focus on teaching/coaching rather than coming up with suggestions or prompts for your students.

Example of an activity to go along with the list:

Emotional Skits

Divide kids into groups of three or four. Each player chooses an emotion from the hat. Students must perform a skit using all three emotions. Coach them through the process of developing characters, deciding on a situation, and telling a short story with a beginning, middle and end.

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