Emotions and Feelings Prompts

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60 emotions and feeling scenarios for young actors.

This is a comprehensive list of scenarios that help actors learn to portray a wide variety of emotions and feelings. They can be used in a variety of ways: as an acting warm-up, improv activity, space-walk session, monologue writing prompts, and more!

Each scenario includes side-coaching suggestions, and they are laid out on the pages so that they are easy to print out and cut apart to hand to individual students.

Sample scenarios:


A. You are all ready and excited to go to a friend’s house for their birthday party, but your parent isn’t ready to drive you yet. They said you have to wait 20 minutes. You are missing all the fun! Do you feel this in your legs? Do they get fidgety? Do you move about slowly or quickly? Where do you feel this impatience in your body?

B. You are so excited to see this movie! You are at the movie theatre with friends. They are saving you a seat. You are in line to buy some popcorn but the people in front of you are taking so long! You don’t want to miss the beginning of the movie, but you really want popcorn! Do you stand still? Do you bounce around? Do you feel this in your chest or face?

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