How to Teach Your First Drama Class
One way to help your students bond and get centered is to come together as a group at the end of the class. If you can come up with a way that suits your personality, it’s great! There is a lesson plan called Opening and Closing Class Rituals that is full of ideas on the Drama Notebook website. Here are a few ideas!
Me Poems
This is a beautiful way to end the first drama class. (This is also a printable version of Me Poems found in 75 No-prep Drama Lessons.) Students fill out a personal poem either at the beginning of class or during a class break and then place the poems (without their name) in the center of the circle at the end of class. Actors take turns picking a poem out of the pile, making sure not to choose their own. Each person reads one line of someone else’s poem.
- “I dream of floating on clouds.”
- “I wish that my brother would play with me more.”
- “I hope that I can make new friends here.”
- And so on…
Energy Circle/ Pass the Love
In a circle, students join hands and close their eyes. One person starts by squeezing the hand of the person to his right very gently. That person “passes” the love along until it goes all the way around the circle.
In a circle, hands in prayer formation, have kids bow to each other. “Namaste” means “I honor the spirit in you which is also in me.” It is a way to show respect for all beings.
In a circle, the leader very dramatically calls out “How do you say THEATRE?” Students call back while swooping one arm up into the air “THEATRE!” (It’s similar to the way football players end their huddle.)
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