SEL Scenes for Elementary - Be Well

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Nine short scenes and discussion questions based on SEL concepts of Gratitude, Honesty, and Creativity. Perfect to use in class with ages 6-11.

Drama classrooms are a natural environment for SEL (Social Emotional Learning). Use these nine short scenes to explore what it means to “Be Well” through the concepts of:


Each scene is intended to be a conversation starter and includes discussion questions to ask your students. Great for ages 6-11.

Example of a scene about honesty:

A. Hey look! I just found this wallet on the ground.

B. What’s inside?

A. (opening it) There’s a library card and a $20 bill.

B. Cool! What should we buy?

A. We’re not going to buy anything. We need to return it.

B. But we don’t even know who dropped it.

A. Well, there’s a library card with someone’s name on it.

B. They’ll never miss it. Let’s keep it.

Example of a discussion question about honesty:

Have you ever gotten a special present from someone? How does that feel?

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