Funny play for kids-Why Crocodile is so Snappy

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5 characters. Flexible casting; 6 pages long. Approximately 5 minutes running time. A comedy about the crocodile written by Evan Baughfman.

Why Crocodile is So Snappy is a comedy that explains the reasons why Crocodile is always so irritable and snappy. Everyone is taking advantage of Crocodile’s kindness. Cow and Chicken have tasked him with building them houses. Eagle tells Crocodile that the animals are all using him to do things for them but Crocodile has a hard time believing it. When Eagle encourages him to ask his friends for their help, it will cause Crocodile to snap! A funny play for children of all ages!

Evan Baughfman is a middle school teacher who has had various written works published and/or performed. Many of his plays have been produced across the United States. His children’s play, “R.O.M.3.O. and Julia” (Romeo and Juliet with robots) has been published in PLAYS Magazine. His play for young adults, “Lipstick and Heroics,” is available through YouthPLAYS. In addition, his middle grade play, “Percy Pangolin Wants to Go Viral,” is published by Heuer Publishing. Heuer’s also published Evan’s play, “A Taste of Amontillado” (an adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado”). His plays, “At the Pool’s Edge,” “The Pizza Man’s Problem,” “Rumpelstiltskin,” and “Nevada Johnson and the Meaning of Life,” are already available at Drama Notebook. Additionally, Evan has penned a collection of 13 short scary stories titled “Twisted Tales from Edgar Allan Poe Middle School”. The collection will be published in Spring 2020.

Excerpt from the play:


NARRATOR – the teller of our tale
CROCODILE – works hard for his friends
EAGLE – can see all with his powerful eyes
CHICKEN – is not a very good friend
COW – is also a pretty terrible friend

Crocodile used to be the kindest animal in all of the land.

Hello! Good day, my friends!

Hello, Crocodile.

It is a good day, indeed, Crocodile, now that you are here.

Yes, a good day, indeed.

Fantastic. Is there anything you need help with on this fine day?

Well, I’m tired of living in a barn. Could you build me a house?

I’m tired of living in a barn, too. Could you build me a nice, big room in Cow’s new house? He and I can be roomies!

Done and done! Let me get to work ASAP!

Great. You’re the best, Crocodile.

Yeah, we’re so lucky you’re our friend.

And I’m so lucky that you’re my friends.

We’re all so lucky!

Aren’t we? (whispering to Cow) He’s such a dummy, isn’t he?

(whispering to Chicken) Yes, he is. He he he…

What was that, friends?

Oh, uh, nothing. We’re going this way now.

Yes, see you later, pal. We’re going over here to do…something.

Okay, bye! See you later! I’ll get right to work. (He starts building a house with a hammer and nails.)

Eagle’s powerful eyes had watched what was going on very carefully. He swooped in beside Crocodile and said…

Don’t you see that those nasty creatures are taking advantage of you?

Taking advantage of me? No, those are my best friends!

Wake up, Crocodile! You do everything for them, but you’re getting nothing in return!

They’ll pay me back someday.

And you believe them?

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