A Weekend Mystery

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12 characters, flexible casting. Approximately 15 minutes long. A funny mystery where strangers gather, something goes missing, and the detective is not what you think he is.

Eccentric strangers are invited to a country estate for the weekend, and a mystery ensues. The play ends with a twist, and the detective becomes more central to the story than previously thought.

Playwright Bio

Sara Feinberg has taught theatre for more than 20 years both in schools and in local and nationally known theatres, such as The Children’s Theatre in Minneapolis. She has written countless plays for hundreds of groups of children and teens over her tenure as a teaching artist. She has also designed, produced, and directed productions for children and adults. Sara graduated from Ithaca College with a major in music (voice), and a minor in theatre, and has a master’s in teaching from Hamline University. Currently, Sara works full-time as a theatre teacher to students in grades K-8.

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A Weekend Mystery

By Sara Feinberg


Jamal: Someone who doesn’t care about anything or anyone.

Queenie: Rich and flaunts it. She wants everyone to see her all of the time. Likes to make everything about her.

Donna: World traveler. She has money but doesn’t talk about it. May have corruptly received her fortune.

Host: Loves giving parties and gathering unusual people together. Can be played by any gender.

Cook: Sinister looking and doesn’t like to talk about their past. Doesn’t really like to talk at all. Can be played by any gender.

Helper (Her name is Janet): Very smart and professional. Right-hand person to the host. Can be played by any gender but is female in the play.

Rosa: A bit shy but likes to help others. Likes to keep her things close to her.

Will: Mad at the world. An ex-basketball star who stopped getting picked due to an injury. Wants revenge on anything and anyone.

Terra: A bit detached from the real world. Many times she says things that don’t have anything to do with the rest of the conversation.

Detective: Shrewd and lightning-fast with words. Doesn’t miss a thing. Can be played by any gender.

Rick: Book smart. Likes to learn as much as possible about everything. Is also a bit nosey.

Vincent: Likes to joke around and have fun. Might be hiding a secret but uses jokes to keep it hidden.

Scene One: The Guests Arrive

(Host, Cook, and Helper enter. Helper has a notebook and is furiously taking notes.)

So, I think that’s everything. This weekend has to be perfect! Make sure it is.


Cook, how is the menu coming?

Fantastic as usual.

Of course… of course… yes, it would be. Janet?


See to it that everyone has what they need in their rooms.

Right away!

(Helper and Cook exit.)

This must be my best party ever.

(Doorbell rings.)

Ahh, the first victim… I mean, guest.

(Host opens the door and Queenie enters with her dog in her arms.)

Oh hello! Hello! Wonderful to see you! Simply charming! So glad to be invited to your party AGAIN. You can never have too much of me, can you?

Let me take your coat, and your, umm…

Oh! I forgot. I got a dog. Isn’t she just a sweetie? Her name is Kibbles. Here girl!

(The dog doesn’t move. It is a stuffed animal.)

Oh well, she is a bit tired, but aren’t we all?

I’ll have Janet see you to your room. Janet!


Make sure Queenie here gets the best room in the house.

Of course. Right away!

You always take care of me so well! By the way, who else is coming?

You’ll see. It’s a very special party this time.

Oh, I am so excited. I love surprises!

(Queenie exits with her dog.)

Maybe not this one, however.

(Doorbell rings. Host opens the door and Will and Vincent enter.)

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