Restaurant Quirks Drama Activity for Schools

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Fantastic drama activity for older or advanced groups that helps students learn how obstacles/characterization can dramatically change a scene.

This is one of the most fun drama activities you will ever play! The game takes place in a restaurant, with the students playing wait-staff and customers. Students are given secret objectives or quirks that they must play into the scene—experiencing how a scene can change dramatically when characterizations are added!

There are other drama games like this one, but not this exact version. The lesson includes the instructions, discussion questions and 16 sample scenarios for groups of three.

Sample scenario:

Waiter: Trying to leave early for a date

Customer #1:  Very picky and asks a lot of questions about the food

Customer #2: Keeps changing his/her mind

As a drama teacher, it is hard to come up with character and obstacle ideas off the top of your head all of the time—let alone come up with ones that will work together to create a tension-filled scene. On Drama Notebook, the work is done for you and you can relax and focus on coaching your students.

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