Drama Lesson Plan for Schools-Stage Pictures

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Easily teach your students to create stage pictures for dramatic effect. Includes 21 stage picture scenarios to give to small groups of students to practice.

Use this original Drama Notebook lesson with older or advanced groups!

At any given moment in a play, the actors’ positions onstage and relative to one another should tell its own story. This is called a ‘stage picture.’ It takes directors and actors years to hone this ability, but this tutorial condenses the key elements of creating effective stage pictures into activities and language that everyone can understand. Included are: complete instructions for the activity; two more variations; tips for creating effective stage pictures; 21 stage picture scenarios ready to print, cut apart and put in a hat for small groups.

Sample stage picture scenario:

A person has a heart-attack on the street. Paramedics try and save him while on-lookers stand nearby.

The Mayor gives a press conference while eager reporters try and get their questions answered.

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