Story Starters Drama Lesson for Teachers

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Fourteen short beginnings of stories for your group of younger students to turn into short plays.

Use this collection of 14 short story starters to inspire groups of students to write their own stories that they can turn into short plays. Best suited for younger (elementary students), this lesson includes instructions for the activity. Each story also includes a short cast of characters and the stories are set up on the page so that they are easy to print out, cut apart and distribute to your students.

Example of a story starter:

The Invisible Giant (narrator, Abby, Invisible Giant)
There was a knock at the door. When Abby opened it, there was no-one there. Then a voice said, “Please help me, I’m lost!” She still couldn’t see anyone. Then the voice spoke again. It said, “It’s no use looking for me, because you won’t be able to see me. I’m invisible.”

Abby replied, “But who are you?”

“I’m a giant. I come from the land of giants, but don’t be afraid. I won’t tread on you. Please help me to find my way home!”

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