Drama Lesson Plan for Schools-Three Word Skits

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Challenging drama game for all ages in which students must create skits that contain three random words. Includes instructions and THIRTY sets of three words.

In this fun game, students must create skits that contain three random words. Some teachers may be familiar with this game, but the activity usually requires that the teacher prepare by coming up with lists of three words to give to each group. On Drama Notebook, the work is done for you. There are 30 sets of three words ready to print out, cut apart and put into a hat. That means that if students were working in small groups, you would have enough to play the game several times without running out. Additionally, the words were carefully chosen to be contrasting and challenging to work into a skit.

Examples of three words to give to a group:
  • snowman, swimming suit, hairdryer
  • rattlesnake, cookie jar, fairy
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