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30 funny improv scene starters to use with a crime scene, or murder mystery drama unit. PLUS, a list of 14 fairy tale crimes for use with mock trials.

This lesson should be called, “World’s Dumbest Criminals.” Here are 30 hilarious crime-related scenarios that seem so idiotic that they can’t be true…but they are! Students will love improvising bumbling criminals, witnesses and law enforcement officers as they act out real-life stupid crimes.

Included are thirty prompts. Students can be put in pairs or small groups depending on the scene.

Sample funny crime scenarios:

  • A crook brings his young overactive son along with him when he robs a pet shop.
  • A bank robbery suspect is arrested after stopping for a news interview during a crime spree.
  • An elderly man thinks he’s having a heart attack, so he confesses to a murder he committed 20 years ago. Then he finds out he isn’t going to die after all.
  • A thief tries to pay a waitress with a credit card that he stole from her days before.
  • A man notices an elderly man being robbed, so he jumps in and punches the thief. The thief is so upset he calls the police to complain.

BONUS: List of crimes committed in 14 popular fairy tales! Students can act out the crimes, playing up the criminal elements, or hold mock trials to bring the offenders to justice!

Sample fairy tale crimes:

  • Sleeping Beauty – (Grievous bodily harm by curse)
  • Cinderella – (Unlawful imprisonment; slavery)

•        Goldilocks and the Three Bears – (Breaking and entering; vandalism; theft of food

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