Printable list of 18 fairy tales and four ways to use the list in drama class.
In this activity, kids practice acting out well-known stories using their imaginations, movement, tableau, and ensemble. There is a printable list of 18 well-known fairy tales and instructions for four ways to use the list. This list may also be used in a variety of improv games that call for a genre or a story prompt!
This lesson was created by the author of Drama Notebook so that teachers wouldn’t have to rack their brains to come up with a variety of fairy tale titles on the spot. The list is ready to print out, cut apart and use right away.
Example of a way to use the list of fairy tales:
Silent Scene-(Use as a movement warm-up.) Ask students to draw a fairy tale out of the hat and create a brief moving scene that represents a key moment in the fairy tale. Audience players guess the fairy tale.
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