For ages 8 and up
Are your students obsessed with Harry Potter? Here are seven original drama activities for you to use with a wizard-themed unit, or to keep things fresh in your class!
For example: The Whacking Willow
Materials Needed: Two pool noodles; beanbag or stuffed animal
This tree is a violent species of magical plant. The Whacking Willow uses its limbs as arms and will attack anyone and anything that comes within range of its branches. (For safety, the Whacking Willow should be played by the instructor.)
How to Play
Step One: The Whacking Willow holds two pool noodles (limbs), one in each hand, constantly moving your tree limbs and looking all around, as the players move forward.
Step Two: Place an item, like a beanbag or stuffed animal, in front of the tree. This item represents a character the players must rescue from the Whacking Willow. If any students choose not to play, appoint them to be referees.
Step Three: Players must try to rescue the item without getting hit by the tree limbs. If a player is hit, they are out for that round of the game. The player that successfully rescues the item is the winner.
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