Guided imagery is great for teaching students about using all of their senses in acting and using sense memory in acting. Here are thirteen guided imagery journeys that the instructor can read out loud. They are organized simple (for younger students) to more complex (for older students). Each one includes discussion questions so that students can deepen their learning and understanding of how the journeys relate to acting.
Example of a guided imagery journey:
Ice Palace Journey
Imagine you are walking along a path toward a large ice palace. It is sunset and you are watching the sunset behind the snow covered “turrets” of the palace. The ground is covered in snow ankle deep. Feel your shoes crunch the snow as you slowly. You can hear the echo of your steps in the forbidden forest. The only other sound you hear is the soft hoot of an owl flying overhead. You are now at the stone steps of palace. You slowly and carefully walk up them so you do not fall. You arrive at the huge doors. As you come close to the doors they silently swing open. You are standing in a huge hall. The ceiling is 100 feet above your head. What do you see? What does it smell like in here? How is it decorated? Is there any other being in the hall with you? Do you know him/her? What are you doing? What is going on? Have you been there before? You slowly turn back around and head out the doors. As you slowly walk down the front steps the doors close silently behind you. You are walking down the path again. The crunch of snow is all you hear. Tell your muscles to move again. Open your eyes.
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