For ages 12 and up. Here’s an innovative set of drama activities that integrates drama and government studies. The games allow students to sharpen their improvisational skills while acting out scenarios related to politics, elections, and systems of government.
You’ve Got Issues
Explain to students that while running for election, candidates for political office will give their views on issues that affect the citizens of their nation, state, or city. Next, ask each student who their favorite hero/heroine is in real life and why they choose that person. After everyone has made a choice, tell them that they will now portray that person as if they were running for office. Each student will step forward and (in character) give their opinions on the following topics:
Climate Change
- Discrimination/Equality in the Workplace
- Alternative Energy (Wind, solar, etc.)
- Plus 25 more topics!
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Inside Drama Notebook, you will find a huge collection of well-organized lesson plans, scripts for kids, drama activities, 50 drama games on video and more! Join today and dramatically reduce your planning time while delivering fresh, innovative drama lessons to your students! If you are new to teaching drama, this site will be a Godsend! You will immediately feel confident about teaching drama like an expert. The site guides you step-by-step and provides you with materials that you can use right away with your students.
If you have been teaching for years, Drama Notebook will inspire you with a fresh new approach and innovative ideas!
The site is packed with original, innovative lessons and activities that you will not find anywhere else—and new materials are added monthly.