Drama Lesson Plan for Schools-Dreams to Act Out

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26 strange dreams that can be performed as monologues, or short plays. Includes three more ways to use the dreams and a set of discussion questions.

Looking for something new to do with your group? Here are 26 strange dreams for students to perform either as monologues or as short plays in small groups. When used as monologues, try the following activity to add dimension to the piece:

Dream Plays

In small groups, students become the characters in the dream as one person tells the story. Actors can have lines, etc.

Example of a Dream to Perform:

Whale Rhinos

I dreamed that my friends and I decided to take a day trip to the beach, so we packed the car with food, water, tents, and fruits to eat on the shore. After spending the whole day at the beach and picking pineapples in my friend’s Uncle’s yard, we were too tired to drive across the island to get back home. So, we pitched our tents on the beach to sleep.

However, no one could go to bed because the moon was shining too bright. So, everyone went outside to watch the moon and shooting stars. All of a sudden, my friend came running from across the beach asking for help. We all readily ran behind some tall trees to find a pregnant whale giving birth to whale-rhinos on the shore. The baby whales had the face of a Rhino, but the body of a whale. They walked to the water and swam around under the bright moonlight and all was well on the beachfront.

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