If you are teaching a playwriting class or are working with students on effective storytelling, this tutorial contains over 60 drama games designed to help students become better storytellers. The games range from warm-ups to activities that can result in creating pieces to perform.
Sample Playwriting-Storytelling Game:
True Stories
This is a directing game. In small groups, players take turns telling true stories about something that happened to them. You can provide a springboard such as: the time you were most scared; a time when you were really proud of yourself; the best day of your life; etc. Other group members listen intently and vote on the most interesting story. The storyteller then chooses other group members to act out his story. (He may or may not play a character.) The actors improvise the story and the director/storyteller gives the cast notes before acting it out again. The goal is to make the story as true to life as possible.
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