Rumpelstiltskin Script

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3 pages, approximately six minutes. Parts for 8+ actors. Ages 8-18.

A queen must relinquish her newborn to an evil dwarf unless she can correctly guess his name.

This three page script stays true to the original Grimm’s Fairy Tale. It is perfect to perform as part of a festival of Grimm’s Fairy Tales, or to introduce actors to the concept of using scripts and memorizing lines.

Excerpt from the play:


Narrator One
Narrator Two
Miller’s Daughter-later the Queen
A Messenger

Narrator One: A long time ago, in a country far away, there lived a miller who had a very beautiful daughter.

Narrator Two: One morning, the king, who had been out hunting, came riding by when he happened to see the miller and his daughter outside of their house.

King: Your daughter is very beautiful, good sir.

Miller: She’s not only beautiful, she can spin straw into gold!

King: You don’t say.

Narrator One: And with that, the King rode off.

Miller’s Daughter-Father! Why would you say such a thing?

Narrator Two: Soon enough, the king sent for the girl. The king was already very rich, but he was also greedy.

Narrator One: When the girl arrived, he led her to a chamber in his palace where there was a great pile of straw and a spinning wheel.

King: All this must be spun into gold before morning, as you love your life.

Narrator Two: Which meant that if she didn’t succeed, he would chop off her head!

Narrator One: As soon as the king left, the girl burst into tears.

Narrator Two: Just then, the door opened again, and a strange little man hobbled in.

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