Play Scripts for Schools-The Smell of Soup and the Sound of Money

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 by Lisa Apple on Drama Notebook


3 minutes long. Parts for 4 actors. Best suited for ages 7-13, however, this story is really ageless and may be performed by children all the way up to adults. Includes one page of extension activities and discussion questions.

This is a short script based on a Turkish folk-tale. With parts for four actors, it would make an excellent small group project that could be used as an introduction to memorization, blocking and staging.

One way to use this script is to divide the class into groups of four and have each group cast, rehearse and perform their short plays for each other. After each group performs, allow audience members to give the actors feedback.

This script is also part of a finished lesson plan (Around the World in Stories) that may be found in the Drama Notebook store. If you are offering a camp or an ongoing drama class with a theme, consider saving yourself hours and hours of planning time by purchasing the lesson plan. In addition to the script, you get: an entire workshop outline; 17 more royalty-free scripts; production guides; study guides; tons of extra activities and more!

Excerpt from the play:



Kitchen at the inn; courthouse.

Narrator: Once upon a time, a beggar was given a piece of bread, but nothing to put on it. Hoping to get something to go with his bread, he went to a nearby inn to ask for a handout.

Beggar: (knocks on door and innkeeper opens it) Please sir, might I have some butter or some soup to go with my bread?

Innkeeper: Go away. There’s nothing for you here!

Narrator: The innkeeper slammed the door, but as the beggar turned the corner, he saw that the back door to the kitchen was wide open and there was a big pot of soup cooking over the fire. With no one in sight, he sneaked into the kitchen and held his bread over the steaming soup, hoping to catch a bit of flavor. Suddenly, the innkeeper appeared.

Innkeeper: Ha! I’ve caught you stealing my soup!

Beggar: I took no soup. I was only smelling it!

Innkeeper: Then you must pay for the smell.

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