Play Scripts for Schools-The Stonecutter

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 by Adele on Drama Notebook


5 minutes long. Parts for 6 actors. Best suited for ages 7-13, however, this story is really ageless and may be performed by children all the way up to adults.

‘The Stonecutter’ is a Chinese folk-tale of unknown authorship. It is closely related to the themes of ‘The Fisherman and His Wife,’ a well-known fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm. In the original legend, a poor stonecutter takes notice of the lifestyles of those from higher in the social hierarchy and wishes to become them. Despite having his wishes granted, the stonecutter is still unsatisfied and later desires to become more powerful by embodying forces within nature. Eventually, he gains satisfaction with his place in society and nature as a lowly stonecutter.

This script is also part of a finished lesson plan (Around the World in Stories) that may be found in the Drama Notebook store. If you are offering a camp or an ongoing drama class with a theme, consider saving yourself hours and hours of planning time by purchasing the lesson plan. In addition to the script, you get: an entire workshop outline; 17 more royalty-free scripts; production guides; study guides; tons of extra activities and more!

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