Music for Drama Class-Drama Lesson Plans for Schools

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Helpful 7-page reference guide for music to use in drama class. Includes 50 artists/albums and suggestions for using the tracks.

Many drama activities call for music, and teachers often spend an extraordinary amount of time looking for just the right piece. Additionally, many teachers use the same music over and over because it works and they don’t have time to find new music. But it can get a little boring!

Here are over 50 albums/artists that work in drama class divided into helpful categories:

  • Music for Slow Movement Activities
  • Music for Fast Movement Activities
  • Music for Abstract Movement
  • Pantomime/Clowning Music
  • Music for Relaxation or Warm-ups
  • Music that Inspires Creativity

This seven-page reference also includes a little write-up on each artist, or suggestions for drama activities to use with the music.

Here is an example:

Broadchurch Soundtrack by Olafur Arnalds

This Icelandic composer won a BAFTA award for this soundtrack.

Suggested Activity:

In the Beginning

(Use the main theme song or ‘Beth’s Song.) Put students into small groups and have them listen to this piece. Ask them to create a movement piece that also incorporates narration. The piece must tell a story about a change on earth or a change in humanity over time, such as: the devastation of the rain forest; the destructive nature of war; etc. Ask students to end their piece with hope.

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