Drama Activity for Schools-Space Walk

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Space Walk drama lesson plan. 11 pages, includes instructions for 13 different versions of this exercise, complete with over 100 prompts.

The Space Walk is a classic theatre exercise that can be used in a variety of ways. It can help young actors: warm-up; get into their bodies; awaken their imaginations; experiment with movement; and become aware of their place in space in relation to other actors. This eleven-page tutorial may be the most comprehensive description of this activity in existence!

If you are new to teaching drama, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with this exercise, as it is a building block to stage movement. If you have been teaching drama for years, this tutorial includes variations of the game that will keep it interesting and fresh for you.

Every variation of the activity either comes with exact prompts, or a link to a list of prompts to use. This is one of the ways that Drama Notebook is different from other theatre resources.

The final version of Space Walk included in this lesson is a character/situation activity in which students move through the space in character. There are thirty prompts, so this can also be given as a homework assignment. They are laid out two ways: all on one page for easy reading; and on two printable pages so that students may draw out of a hat.

Examples of character/situation prompts:
  • A shy philanthropist making his/her way to a podium to accept an award.
  • A tall man at a little-people convention trying to talk to people half his size.
  • A ghost moving through a party trying to be seen.
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