This drama warm-up is part of a collection of 40 classic drama games found on Drama Notebook.
This game is on video in Drama Notebook!
(Ideally requires chairs or some way of marking places). Someone in center declares something that is true about themselves. For example: “A big wind blows for everyone who loves to sing.” Then, everyone who loves to sing must run from their place and find a new place. Someone is then stuck in the middle again.
Or try this!
From One Side to Another
One of the challenges with Big Wind Blows is that everyone is so concerned with finding another spot that they often don’t notice who shares their interests. Try having the class stand on one end of the playing space. One person goes to the other side and declares something that is true about them. Anyone who shares their interest joins them. Players are then able to notice who is with them and who is left behind. This version of the game lacks the frenetic energy of the traditional Big Wind Blows, but it allows participants to actually get to know the other players (which is the point of the original game).
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