This drama warm-up is part of a collection of 40 classic drama games found on Drama Notebook.

Drama Game Group JuggleHave students stand in a large circle with plenty of room between each person. This may be accomplished by having each person grab the elbows of the person next to them and then dropping their arms. Next, have players to toss a soft ball or small stuffed animal back and forth across the circle in no particular order. After players become accustomed to the flow of the game, introduce a second and possibly third ball into play. Tell students that it is the responsibility of the person throwing the ball to make sure that the receiver catches it. Slow down or speed up the game depending on how well the group is doing.

Or try this!

Group Juggle Pattern
One person starts by tossing a soft ball or a small stuffed animal to a specific player who, in turn, tosses it to a player of her choosing. Inform players that they are establishing an order. That is, every time they toss the ball, they will toss it to the same person. This continues until each person in the circle has caught the ball once, and a random sequence is established. If you have a large group, players may wish to raise their hands until they’ve caught the ball during the first round. After the sequence has been established, play a couple of rounds (going in the exact same order), and then introduce a second and third ball into play. Variation: introduce one ball that goes in the opposite direction!

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