DN La Maripost Esp

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20+ parts, but can be flexible. Includes production notes, discussion questions and extension activities! (3 credits.)

See Play in English

La Mariposa is a Spanish folktale about a beautiful butterfly and her search for a husband. It’s filled with colorful characters and positive feelings! This is a wonderful story to use with kids when putting on a play for the first time. There are enough parts for up to twenty to thirty students and each player has a colorful, meaningful part.

The script itself is three pages long and has an approximate running time of ten minutes.

Also includes:
  • Study guide that gives a brief synopsis of the story.
  • List of discussion questions related to the folk tale.
  • Two pages of extension activities.
  • Production notes that list tips for performing the story in an ordinary school setting.

The Drama Notebook Scripts+ Activities are unique to Drama Notebook. The scripts are written to accommodate a flexible number of cast members, and the extension activities and study guides are designed to help students develop a connection to the lessons in the story and to deepen their understanding of the text.

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