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5 characters, 4F, 1M. Approximately ten minutes running time. Funny fairy tale game show play by Debra A. Cole.

Gretel is looking for a new best friend, so she goes on a game show and interviews three contestants who are behind a curtain. This funny modern fairy tale play will delight students and audiences alike!

This script includes discussion questions and director’s notes on casting and set design.

Debra A. Cole is a celebrated humanities teacher, youth theatre director, and children’s playwright with degrees in journalism, art history, and elementary education. She understands the needs of young performers and their directors and creates pieces that encourage engaging discussion, creative thought, and quirky playfulness. Her goal is that young performers discover the power and delight that theatre brings to actors and audiences alike.

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Excerpt from the play:


SMILEY ROBERTS — (M) game show host – cheesy – over the top friendly
GRETEL — (F) game show contestant – looking for a friend
LITTLE RED— (F) friend #1, podcaster who hates wolves and loves food
GOLDILOCKS— (F) friend #2, travel host – loves to explore new places
FAIRY GODMOTHER— (F) friend #3, kind, great listener, life coach

(The action takes place in modern times on a game show set.)

(Lights come up on a game show set split into two areas. Stage left of the center divider are three chairs waiting for bodies. Stage right of the center divider is a chair and a podium. Smiley Roberts stands behind the podium with a microphone.)

(Theme music plays and stops before speaking begins.)

Welcome to the game show that all the fairy tale world is talking about, “Fairy Tale Best Friends.”  I’m your host, Smiley Roberts, and today three fairy tale friends are hoping to be selected as our contestant’s new best friend, and since each person can only have ONE best friend, we’re here to help. Let’s introduce our potential friends. She’s no stranger to delicious baked goods and hosts the popular podcast, “Beware of Wolves.” Please welcome to the stage, Little Red Riding Hood.

(Theme music plays as Little Red enters stage left waving to the audience as she takes the first chair behind the divider.)

I’m thrilled to be here, Smiley.

Next up, don’t let her tight blond curls fool you, this fairy tale favorite loves to let loose and explore new places. You may know her from her hit TV show “Woodland Cribs.” Please welcome to the stage, Goldilocks.

(Theme music plays as Goldilocks enters stage left waving to the audience as she takes the second chair next to Little Red.)

I love new friends, Smiley.

Finally, magic wands, fairy dust, and little mice are just some of the tricks in her bag that make this “Wish Network” celebrity life coach a hit with her fans. Please welcome to the stage, Fairy Godmother.

(Theme music plays as Fairy Godmother enters stage left waving to the audience as she takes the third and final chair behind the divider.)

You look better in person than you do on TV, Smiley.

(doesn’t miss a beat) I hear that all the time, Fairy Godmother. (smiles) I want to remind the studio audience that our three potential friends are not allowed to reveal their true identities to our contestant. That said, it is time to introduce our fairy tale friend looking for a best friend.

Rarely seen without her brother, this German cutie loves long walks in the woods, baking cookies, and playing the accordion. Please welcome to the stage, Gretel.

(Theme music plays as Gretel enters stage right waving to the audience. She sits in the chair next to Smiley’s podium and looks a bit nervous.)

I’m a little nervous, Smiley. I’ve never had a friend outside of my brother, Hansel, and picking a BEST friend is even scarier.

Not to worry, Gretel. Here on “Fairy Tale Best Friends” we have selected three excellent candidates to be your ONE best friend, and they are sitting just on the other side of this divider.

Wow, now I’m even more nervous.

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