Henry the Monster play script cover

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25-35 minutes running time. Parts for 20 actors, flexible cast. Ages 8-12. A play that teaches students to accept each other’s differences. (5 credits)

Henry is the new kid at school, and he is bullied because he happens to be blue and furry and very tall. Journey with Henry through his first few days of school where he makes some awesome new friends but also runs into some very mean bullies. Henry and his classmates struggle with not only their own self-doubts, but also bullying and rejection. Even the bullies struggle, who seem to have no heart at all. We all have fears. We all have a story. But if we try to understand one another, we might find that love and compassion can heal just about anything.

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Excerpt from the play:


NARRATOR: Either Male or Female
HENRY: Male; Monster
MOM: Female
GARTH: Male; Bully
ERICA: Female; Bully
GABBY: Female
PETE: Male
SKY: Female
RUSH: Female
JAYLA: Female
LAYLA: Female
EMILY: Female
PAOLA: Female
MRS. AUTUMN: Female; Teacher


(Henry is in his pajamas, pacing his room.)

Do you remember your first day of school? Or grown-ups, your first day at a new job or meeting new people? Feeling different and not sure how others would treat you or if they would accept and like you? Well Henry, a sweet but very furry blue monster, is feeling all of these things. He just transferred from a special school for monsters, to his sister’s regular school. He’s super excited but totally nervous. Let’s listen in, to see just what he’s thinking this morning.

I can’t believe this is my first day at my new school. I’m so excited. I hope I’m going to make so many friends. My Mom says I’m a pretty cool kid, so hopefully everyone will like me. I know I’m different from other kids but maybe they won’t notice.

(Addison, Henry’s sister, enters room.)

Hey, little man, Mom says to get up. So, are you excited for your first day of school or what?

Oh, my gosh, YES! I can’t wait to meet my teacher and make new friends. But, …..

What’s up Henry?

I’m just worried, that….that the kids won’t like me. I’m big and different. What if I scare them?

What if they think I’m a weirdo? I know I’m a little clumsy, what if I fall down and everyone laughs at me? What if they make fun of me?

Listen Henry, everyone’s first day at something is a little tough. But I’ll be there if you need anything. And you’re a super cool kid. I’m in 5th grade, no one will mess with you. I got your back. Ok?

Yea, I guess so.

Just relax. It’ll be okay. By the way, Mom said breakfast is ready, and oh yea, I sorta wrote you a poem. Ya know, anytime you get nervous today.

‘I am tender, sweet and kind
People tend to stop and stare,
but I pay them no mind.
I love swinging and playing for hours.
Baking pies with my Mom and picking lovely flowers.
I’m as gentle as a cuddly, teddy bear.
Always remembering to hug Mom with the gentlest of care.
My Mom and Dad have loved me from the moment they brought me home.
I take good care of myself, and for my fur, I use a broom for a comb.
I know I am something special and kinda cool.
I’ll discover just how much, during my first year of school’.
Addison, you wrote this for ME?

Yea, Henry. I totally believe in you. We all do. Now get moving! Last one downstairs is a rotten monster!

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