elementary through high school.
Many people know Mad Libs as a fun and silly word game where one player prompts others for words to fill in the blanks in a story before reading it aloud. Here is a fun way to mix this playful idea with drama. Below are ten scenes to share with your students along with five suggestions for how to use them.
One way to use these scenes:
Divide your group into pairs. Give each pair 2 copies of the same scene. Person A takes both copies and asks Person B to provide the missing words while filling in the blanks on both scripts. Once all the words have been added Person A gives one copy of the script to Person B and they read their scene aloud. Then each group takes a turn performing their scene for the class. Everyone has the same script, but the scenes will be different based on the words that are filled in.
Wizard School Mad Lib Scene
A. Welcome to __________ -Warts School of Wizardry.
B. Excuse me, but when do we get our magical ____________________?
(plural noun)
A. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but first, you must learn to ________________________.
(impossible action)
B. Right! I’m just so happy to be here and away from home and my _________ siblings.
A. No doubt you are eager to know which house you will be in. To determine this, everyone must try on this sorting ________________________.
(item of clothing)
B. (trying it on) Wow! This is exciting! It makes me feel so __________________.
A. The sorting ___________________says you belong to the __________________house.
(same clothing item) (mythical creature)
B. Hurray! I’ve dreamed of being in that group since I was knee-high to a _____________.
A. Before we take a tour, I have a surprise for you. Here is your _______________ wand.
B. Wow! I can’t wait to turn a ___________________ into a ___________________.
(small animal) (noun)
A. First you must give your wand a name. It should be something really special to you. For instance, my wand is named __________________________ because I love nature.
(something found in nature)
B. I like that. I think I’ll name my wand ________________ because I love food.
A. Speaking of food, let’s have a little lunch. Please take out your ____________________.
(child’s toy)
B. But that’s not food.
A. It will be. Let’s try our first magic spell. Repeat these words… Abracadabra Fiddle and Float. Turn this thing into a ____________________________.
(word rhyming with float)
B. Abracadabra Fiddle and Float. Turn this thing into a ____________________________.
(different word rhyming with float)
Oops! I think I made a mistake. I turned it into a __________________.
A. You’ll get there. It takes ______________years of patience and practice.
B. I’m not very patient, but I am __________________.
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