Royalty-free Play Script for Schools-NC's Big Night

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11 characters. 9F, 2M; 20 pages in length. Approximately 20-30 minutes running time. A comedy for teens by playwright, Elizabeth Rapoza.

NC’s Big Night is a comedy about several teens, their idol, and a very big concert. Pop idol, “NC”, is coming to town and all of the girls want tickets. Unfortunately, for many girls, this is not so easy. Alas, after all of their hard work to get there, which includes chores, errands, and even a little bribery, the concert may never happen due to an untimely case of the flu. Will the girls ever get to see their idol perform or will he blow the whole thing? This comedy for teens highlights the importance of friendship, teamwork, and ingenuity!

Elizabeth Rapoza first began writing plays for and with children over 30 years ago. The first thing she noticed was that there were few plays for children with rewarding roles for every actor. Liz felt that each student deserved (and frequently paid) to have the same experience, she began “Backyard Dramatics”, a youth self-scripting curriculum. In these workshops, student actors create plots and characters based on stories invented by the students. These are then carefully scripted by Ms. Rapoza and performed by the students. Liz’s plays are kid and audience tested across the country and around the globe. Her youth play, “Perstephanie Goes Underground” won the Boston Public Schools Short Play Development Award. Her adult radio comedy “The Amazing Adventures of Pajamazon” was a in winner in Mae West Fest of Seattle’s search for the Ultimate Female Protagonist. Her plays have been performed at venues such as SlamBoston and the Factory Theater Boston. In addition, Liz is a professional actor, dancer, musician/vocalist, puppeteer and costumer. She has taught college theater courses since 2003 and currently teaches at Cape Cod Community College. Contact Liz at: [email protected].

Excerpt from the play:


MIRANDA A well-to-do and fashionable teen
LUCY Miranda’s music-loving friend
ERICA Another friend. Too poor to go to the concert
MAGGIE Has an NC ticket but no ride
EMILY Maggie’s friend. Also needs ride
AMBER Maggie’s sister who is old enough to drive
SALLY Has and then loses her NC ticket
ROSE Sally’s friend. Determined to get them both tickets
GEORGE NC’s Manager. A slick businessman
JEN NC’s Tour Director
ROY/NC Pop singing idol

Scene I: Miranda’s Room
(MIRANDA searches through a pile of clothes, throwing things around in frustration. LUCY is wearing headphones and singing and dancing to NC. She is so wrapped up in what she’s doing that she completely ignores MIRANDA)

I have absolutely nothing to wear! I really need to go shopping right now! I can’t go to see NC without a new outfit! (Realizing LUCY is ignoring her) Lucy! Have you heard one word I’ve said?

(Removing headphones) Huh? What was that?

I said I need a new outfit to go see NC!

You’ve gotta be kidding me.You have more clothes than anyone I know. You have more clothes than Finland.

I do not.(Pause)Do I?

You just bought a new outfit for NC yesterday afternoon! That purple and green thing with the
matching striped socks. I thought you were going to wear that.

I don’t know…it’s just so…so yesterday afternoon. You know what I mean?


I need something that’s today.

But the concert isn’t today, it’s next week and by then it will be “so last week”.

(Sighs) True. I just want to wear something that will make NC notice me.

You don’t think he’ll notice purple and green stripes?

I’ve waited all year for this night!

Uh huh. So have we all, girlfriend. (Puts her headphones back on)


(ERICA enters looking depressed)

(Sad, trying to sound cheerful but not succeeding) Hey, you guys.

Hi, Erica. As the man said to the horse “Why the long face?”

(Taking off headphones) Hi, Erica! Did you get your NC ticket yet?

No. (Sniffles) My mom said we couldn’t afford it. (Sniffle) We had to spend all of our savings on the dog’s gall bladder operation. (She wipes at her tears, embarrassed)

(MIRANDA and LUCY exchange a look of concern)

Gee, Erica, isn’t there any way you can get the money? Maybe you can borrow it from someone.

Maybe, but how would I ever pay it back? I’m too young to get a job. My mom would wig out if I borrowed money to go a concert.

Don’t you babysit for your neighbor sometimes?

Once in a great while and it’s only five or ten dollars.

You should have saved your money up to go to the concert.

I did save it up but I spent it all to go on that stupid field trip to the thermometer museum.

Can you ask your grandma or an aunt or something to get you an early birthday present? My Nana bought me my NC ticket for my birthday.

I just had my birthday, remember? (Sniffle) I’ll never get to see NC! (She breaks down crying and covers her face with her hands.)

C’mon Erica, please don’t cry. We’ll figure out a way to get you a ticket. If I had any money, I’d loan it to you.

Thanks Lucy. You’re a real pal.

(ERICA and LUCY look significantly at MIRANDA)

What are you looking at me for? (Pause) Oh, alright. We can put your ticket on my Visa card.

You have a Visa card?

Actually, it’s Visa Gold card.

(Unimpressed) Whatever. Let’s go on-line and order Erica’s ticket right away before they sell out.

Thank you so much Miranda. I’ll pay you back…somehow. I don’t have any money…

Actually there’s that ten page research paper due next week! Oh! And that awful math homework…

(As they exit) Sigh.

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