Royalty-free Play Script for Schools-Olla and Ollie

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4-20+ characters., Flexible Cast; 25 pages in length. Approximately 20-30 minutes running time. A fantasy adventure for children and teens written by Leonard Goodisman.(5 credits)

Olla and Ollie are bored! They have been restricted from any video games or cell phones for a week. In spite of Olla’s walking disability, they accept a challenge by Olla’s Auntie to seek an adventure at the pass where the sun rises first in the valley. They’ll encounter an evil monster who tries to defeat the sun and another monster who defends it. They’ll have to defend themselves and others if they want the sun to rise – all before breakfast! This wonderful adventure for children encourages imagination, fortitude and teamwork.

Leonard Goodisman has been involved in theater since high school. He began writing plays when he joined up with the Old Pueblo Playwrights in Tucson, Arizona, and first experienced the exquisite pleasure of hearing his words spoken by actors. He hasn’t been the same since. About half dozen of his full lengths and thirty one acts have been produced, mostly in New York and the Seattle area. Some won prizes. Leonard was Development Director at Eclectic Theater until it closed; he produced play festivals, arranged classes, attended dramatist groups, acted, directed, did tech, etc. His produced plays include full lengths “Missy’s Trial”, “Chekov in the Sun”, “Clara”, “Che”, “The Gate”, “My Backyard”, “Die”, “Laramie, Equal Rights”, and one act plays “A Stone’s Throw”, “Clown Death and Birth”, “Ashes”, “Kyle Ross”, “Fears”, “The Boss’s Party”, “Apartment 4G”, “Top Secret”, “Hostage”, “Kill Him”, “Boris P and Dr. Z”, “Eve’s Drem”, “The Forrest From The Bushes”, “Hazelbert, Note of Doom”, “Women Rap the Generation Gap”, “Really?”, “Trumpocchio”, “Life In The Projects”, “Road Rage”, “Taking Charge”, “Moving On”, “Honestly”. ” The Akashic Record’, and “Doing It” among others.

Excerpt from the play:


OLLA – preteen girl, 8-12 yrs
OLLIE – preteen boy 8-12 yrs
A/U or AU– (Should be read as auntie or could be uncle) Auntie or Uncle
KREGS –dark monster – with a dancing blue light mass
GLIDER – friendly monster – with gold light,maybe identified with AU


Kregs, the evil monster is identified with a blue light and red cape; Auntie, who can also be the good monster, are identified with gold light and beige cape. There are flashes of light and it might be nice to have a light or other trick to make the medals look gold at first and then turn grey. There are flashes of light in the fights.


(Great light flashes and the stage lights come up; Kregs leaps down onto the stage with broad red colored cape, a mass of illumined blue light, wings and a fierce beak, and jerky, scary movements. Glider, similar but with gold light, a muted beige cape and smooth flowing movements leaps from the opposite side of the stage. They battle and then the stage goes dark.)

End Scene 1


(Lights up on Olla leaning against her porch, her walking aid is visible beside her. Ollie enters and walks slowly up to her.)

Olla, hi.

I’m bored, so bored and it’s all your fault, Ollie.

Is not. What did I do?

I was at my video game and then you called and said stupid things and got us arguing and screaming, so my mom took my phone away. And no World of War for a week! Nothing to do.

Well, your mom told mine and they took my cell too, for a week, no World of War. I can’t call. So now I had to come over, when I realized I was playing you.

You didn’t have to call or come over; you were not playing me.

Was so.

Was not. I play way beyond your level.

How do you know my level? I saw the character I was playing; magnified her, looked at her really close…

You’re not even in my galaxy system, let alone my planetary orb.

Yeah, you say. I don’t know how you got to my level, but she was you!

My avatar is a man, male, so whoever you played, she was someone else.

Of course she was a man, but she, he, whatever. Your avatar is very pretty, looks just like you up close, and… walks with a crutch.

A jet stick! My avatar has a jet stick, not a crutch! It’s very powerful. It can take me across the universe zip; it can dissolve a whole fleet of enemy ships and…

You almost dissolved me. I mean my ships. I called because I knew we were playing each other; and, just because I said that you started screaming.

I didn’t “start screaming”, but I’ll scream again if you keep at it, like now.

Makes no difference now since we can’t play; but, I liked playing with you. What are we going to do? I’m really bored.

A whole week ahead of us and absolutely nothing to do.

(They sing. He sings line one; she line two; he three; she four. Then they sing together except Ollie sings the soccer line solo.)

Monday’s school, not so cool, but that’s the rule;
And Tuesday’s tests, what a mess; the teacher’s such a pest.
Wednesday’s chorus, that’ll bore us; and it won’t be fun for you.
The elephants are in the trees; the monkey’s in the pool.
My life’s a zoo.
Thursday’s field trip makes me drool; it probably will rain,
Friday’s piano, sing soprano; sometimes such a pain.
Saturday’s soccer, pick a pocket; I’ve never ever won,
And Sunday, well, not hard to tell, there won’t be sun or fun.
It won’t be fun for you.
I really have no clue.
Nothing for me to do. How about me? How about you?
Nothing for us to do.

End Scene 2


(Lights flash up on AU sitting on a rock, behind them.)

Whoo, who are you? You scared me. There was nothing there and then you.

Oh, Auntie. It’s my Auntie. Hi. Auntie does that sort of thing, so weird.

Does what sort of thing, scares the life out of people?

Fluff stuff. So, you can’t ignore the fact you’re bored.

(KREGS jumps out and takes a swipe at A/U. A/U avoids the attack. )

Watch out!

For what? (Avoids another attack.) When I was your age…

I love you, Auntie, but you were never my age.

Watch out again. What was that?

Just Kregs. Do monsters frighten you?

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