Rainbow Crow Royalty-free Fable Play Script for Schools-

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4 minutes long. Parts for 10-14 actors. Best suited for ages 6-10. By Laura Rohrman.

Studying Native American history? This tale introduces younger students to a well-known Native American legend.

Synopsis: When her friends get covered in snow, Rainbow Crow makes a brave and ultimately sad choice.

Morality: Bravery and being okay with who you are, because there are gifts in everything.

Laura Rohrman is a playwright and actress who grew up in Northern California and moved to New York City to pursue playwriting many years ago. She is the founder of ‘Playwriting for Kids,’ a specialized program where students write and perform their own plays. Laura’s plays have been produced all over the world. She is published by Smith and Krause. MFA: New School for Drama. More of her work can be found at:  www.laurarohrman.com

Excerpt from the play:

CHARACTERS (In order of appearance)

NARRATOR 1: male or female
NARRATOR 2: male or female
TURTLE: an old cold turtle
WOLF: a wolf
BEAR: a bear
COYOTE: a coyote
OWL: a wise owl
RAINBOW CROW: the most beautiful bird, with the most beautiful voice
GREAT SPIRIT: the mother spirit
BLACK CROW: the black crow
HUNTERS: (may be played by wolf and bear)
SHOPPERS: (man and woman) may be played by owl and coyote

The animals all enter, and the narrators stand in front. Music plays.

Once upon a time long ago the animals lived happily in a forest and they were all protected from the elements by the Great Sprit. And it was always warm and sunny.

But that year winter came for the first time. It was cold, and the animals were being buried in the snow. The little animals, like the bunnies and mice were already covered by the snow and only being saved by the bigger animals holding them on their backs.

I’m an old, cold turtle.

I am a Wolf, it’s time for me to find my meat, but I’m too cold to hunt and I can’t in this deep snow.

I’m a big bear, and I can’t even make it to my den to sleep.

I’m the Coyote. I’m so cold I’m losing my strength. I’m dying.

It’s hard to be a wise old owl when I’m so cold. We need to do something. I’ve got an idea…we must discuss this.

So the animals got together to discuss what could be done about the cold and the snow.

I’ve got an idea! We must get rid of this snow. We must warm the earth again so we can live.

We need to talk to the Great Spirit.

They all look up to the Great Spirit.

I would go but I’m an old cold turtle and I’m too slow.

I would go, being that I’m so wise, but I can only see at night.

We need someone strong who can fly to the Great Spirit.

I’ll do it.

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