snow day superstitions

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3 characters. Approximately 10 minutes running time. Short play about kids wishing for a snow day.

Superstitions are shared from word of mouth throughout the world. One sister believes it is her duty to education her little sister on the most important superstitions for kids: Ones that make snow days away from school happen. Will these antics work, or will their cynical brother win the day off with his secret plan?

This script includes discussion questions and director’s notes on casting and set design.

Debra A. Cole is a celebrated humanities teacher, youth theatre director, and children’s playwright with degrees in journalism, art history, and elementary education. She understands the needs of young performers and their directors and creates pieces that encourage engaging discussion, creative thought, and quirky playfulness. Her goal is that young performers discover the power and delight that theatre brings to actors and audiences alike.

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Excerpt from the play:


ROXIE— (F) little sister who dreams of the perfect snow day
CASSIE— (F) big sister who teaches the tricks to achieve a snow day
BEN— (M) big brother who does not believe in silly tricks for snow days – he has his own plan

(The action takes place in modern day times in a little girl’s bedroom.)

(Lights come up in a feminine bedroom. There are two twin bed on each side of a window. Roxie and Cassie are each on a bed. Both are wearing soft and decorative nightgowns. Roxie is on her knees, and Cassie is sitting with her legs crossed. The lights are low, and a nightstand with a lamp is in between the beds and on.)


(excitedly looking out the window) It’s snowing, Cassie!

YES! You know that that means, right, Roxie?

(a little confused) It means that mom will bring in extra blankets?


(lights up) Snow day? YOU MEAN NO SCHOOL TOMORROW? Mama is the principal, and she will never cancel school.

Slow down, little sister. Principals have little to do with a snow day being called.

I thought Mama had all the power.

No, the power of making a true snow day happen is using superstitions.


You know, like step on a crack and break your mama’s back.

(horrified) I don’t want to hurt Mama.

No, that was a bad example. How about crossing your fingers when you want something to really happen.

I do that during tough spelling tests with my left hand as I write. It works sometimes.


What are the superstitions for making a snow day away from school?

(Suddenly, Ben bounces in stage right and plops on Roxie’s bed, sending her to the ground. He is wearing a pajama top and bottom complete with pocket in the pants.)

(irritated) BEN!

You’re not hurt, Roxie!

I was just telling Roxie that there are superstitions to have a snow day called.

Those don’t work. Mom won’t call a snow day. She wants kids at school every day.

Not on Saturdays or Sundays.

She would have them there if she could. Plus, she’ll only call it for ice. Ice scares parents and Mom! Your silly antics won’t work.

They do work! Last year I did at least two of them, and school was cancelled. It ended up just raining, so I guess I just made a rain day happen, but I still did it.

Okay, smarty pants, what superstitions do you have in mind?

(worried) Not the one that breaks Mama’s back, Cassie.

No, not that one. I think the first thing we need to is to put a spoon under our pillows.

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