Tasty Vegetables

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7 characters, any gender…they’re vegetables. Approximately 10 minutes running time. A gang of vegetables devises a plan for getting kids to like them.

Everyone knows that kids hate vegetables. But veggies deserve love too! So, Farmer comes up with a way to make vegetables more appealing, and he tries out his idea on the world’s pickiest little girl.

Students will have a blast coming up with vegetable costumes, and playing talking vegetables in this delightful short play!

The script includes discussion questions and director’s notes on casting and set design.

Debra A. Cole is a celebrated humanities teacher, youth theatre director, and children’s playwright with degrees in journalism, art history, and elementary education. She understands the needs of young performers and their directors and creates pieces that encourage engaging discussion, creative thought, and quirky playfulness. Her goal is that young performers discover the power and delight that theatre brings to actors and audiences alike.

Visit her website:

Excerpt from the play:


FARMER — (M/F) kind and wants to help kids like green veggies
BRUSSEL SPROUT — (M/F) slick and smooth advertising agent
KALE — (M/F) wants to be loved
SPINACH— (M/F) wants to be loved
BROCCOLI — (M/F) wants to be loved
PEAS — (M/F) wants to be loved
POLLY — (M/F) picky eater, strange child

(The action takes place modern day times on a farmhouse steps.)

(Lights come up on the steps of a farmhouse. Farmer is standing at the top of the steps and trying to keep the peace. Kale, Brussel Sprout, Spinach, Broccoli, and Peas are carrying signs and yelling at the farmer. Protest signs include: “Give Peas a Chance,” “Girls Just Wanna Have Broccoli,” “If Kids Hate Kale, Why are We so Tasty?” and “Iron Power!”)


Okay, okay. I hear you. Can we just settle down, so we can talk?

(angrily) We’ve had enough!

It’s just not fair!

If we keep yelling, we’ll never solve this problem.

Yelling is our last chance to find a solution.

(starting to cry) Why do they hate us so much?

We can solve this, but we need to work together.

We’ve tried that. Nothing works.

Maybe this time will be different.

That’s the problem. We keep doing the same things and expecting different results. Kids have hated us since the dawn of time.

Not all kids.

Come on, farmer. MOST KIDS. You know that. Don’t act like you don’t know.

(All the green veggies start yelling and flashing their signs once again. Chaos erupts.)

Okay, okay. I hear you. Let’s just stop all of this and try to come up with a plan. You are all high in fiber, low in fats, and offer calcium, magnesium, and so much more.

(angrily) No kids care about fiber!

(yelling with signs) YEAH!

I know, but we need to work on a new image for you guys. Look at you, Spinach.

What about me?

You had a big decade with that cartoon character eating YOU to build muscles and be stronger.

I miss those days.

And you, Broccoli.


In the sixties, people used to put you in Jell-O and call you a dessert. That changed everyone’s mind for a while.

It was disgusting, but kids seemed to like me for a bit.

We just need someone who is strong at marketing. Any ideas?

There is one green veggie who is having a heck of a year.

(in unison) Who?

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