Toy Store Play Script for Kids

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5-30 characters (13 characters as written), approximately 10 minutes running time. When the shop owner leaves, all the toys come to life! (1 credit)

Inspired by the beloved creative drama game, Toy Store is a short playscript that elementary children will love. When the eccentric toy store owner leaves the room, all the toys come to life. When they return, the toys freeze. Each toy gets its solo moment to shine as they demonstrate their abilities to the customers. This playful script is fun to perform or can be used as inspiration to play the game or even make up your own version of the story.

Jennifer Reif has been teaching, directing, and performing, around the Pacific Northwest for decades. Her shelves are lined with children’s books and her happy place is in the woods. She loves devising creative theatre projects with kids and sharing ideas with teachers. Jennifer holds her BA in Theatre from Morningside College and also studied at Oxford University in England.

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Excerpt from the Play:

Flexible Casting-Feel free to change names, genders, add or subtract characters. Perform with as few as 5 or as many as 30.

Lillian, Owner of the toy store, a bit eccentric.
Ms. Pleasant, A pleasant schoolteacher.
JoJo, A friend of Ziggy
Ziggy, A friend of JoJo
Mr. Grumpy, A grumpy fella.
The Toys
Daisy the Doll
Dash the Dog
Wiley the Wild Thing
Sammy the Superhero
Boingo the Super Ball
Splashy the Sprinkler
Flippy the Flying Machine
Spinny the Spinner
Robo the Robot

(At rise: In a toy store. The toys are frozen with different positions, levels, and expressions. It works well to have them grouped in clusters based on which customer will buy them. Lillian enters and begins sweeping up around the toys. It is evening and the shop is ready to close.)

This toy store is a mess! I have got to get things cleaned up before the big sale tomorrow. It’s going to be the “biggest sale of the century!” (Observing first group of toys.) Oh dear, look at these toys over here. They are so floppy. (She helps the Dog, Doll, and Wild Thing sit or stand upright because they are all flopped over.) That’s better. (Observing second group.) Now, look here. The Super toys are super scattered. Let me set you all straight. (She guides the super toys into an orderly line then looks at third group.) And look at these movers and shakers. They need some shaking out. (She takes the arms or legs of these toys and gives them a gentle shake.) Well, that’s better, but I don’t have time to clean the whole shop because I have a big date tonight with Mr. Hinkelmeyer. I guess I’ll just have to come back early tomorrow morning.
Goodnight toys! See you tomorrow.

(She leaves and turns out the light, turns the open/close sign, or simply exits. Once she is out of sight, Daisy the Doll tiptoes over to make sure she is gone.)

Daisy the Doll
The coast is clear!

Dash the Dog
On your mark, get set…

Wiley the Wild Thing

(All the toys come to life and start dancing and moving around. Suddenly Lillian returns and the toys quickly freeze. This time they are back in their spots, but in a slightly different position. Consider adding music every time they come to life or even choreographing a little dance. This is not necessary but could be fun!)

Silly me, I forgot my glasses. I won’t be able to see Mr. Hinklemeyer without them. (Notices the toys have moved) Wait a minute. What’s going on here? I am quite certain I unflipped and set straight and shook out all those toys. But I don’t have time for this! I have a big date tonight. (She exits again.)

(Daisy sneaks over to make sure she is gone.)

Daisy the Doll
The coast is clear!

Dash the Dog
On your mark, get set…

Wiley the Wild Thing

(Toys come to life again. After they have played there is a passage of time. Sammy the Superhero leads the group back to their places.)

Sammy the Superhero
Hey everyone! This has been super fun, but the sun is rising.

Boingo the Superball
We better bounce back into our places before Lillian returns.

Splashy the Sprinkler
We sure made a splash tonight, didn’t we?

Yes! That was fun! Adlibs.

Spinny the Spinner
I’m a little dizzy after all that spinning.

Flippy the Flying Machine
Watch out, I’m coming in for a landing. (Zooms back to place.)

Robo the Robot
I will guide you. (Speaks robotically and guides Flippy to their place.)

Wiley the Wild Thing
(Notices Lillian is returning!) Here she comes!

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