Assembly Skits-Dating

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5 skits on teen dating issues for school assemblies or Red Ribbon Week.

Here are 5 skits that deal with online predators and dating issues that preteen and teen kids face in today’s society!

Head’s Up: Online Predators
4 characters. Members of a soccer team discourage their friend from meeting someone alone who they met online.

Computer Dating
5 characters. A kid meets a girl in a chat room and agrees to meet her at a park. When a strange man shows up instead, the kid has to get out of a dangerous situation.

The Experiment: Age-Appropriate Dating
3 characters. Two students try to coerce another student to brag about his sexual escapades, but he protects his partner’s privacy and talks about the quality of the relationship instead.

6 characters. A group of girls at a slumber party discuss boys and cheating (through the eyes of sixth graders).

Love and Marriage
8 characters. After Elle suffers a bad breakup, she decides to ‘marry’ her best friend!

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