Theatre Spaces PowerPoint
Use this PowerPoint and helpful transcript to teach your students about theatre spaces and basic stage vocabulary. Explore the different types of stages, curtains, lights, and more.
Theatre Spaces PowerPoint Transcript
Use this PowerPoint and helpful transcript to teach your students about theatre spaces and basic stage vocabulary. Explore the different types of stages, curtains, lights, and more.
Quiz-Theatre Spaces
Use this quiz to assess your students’ knowledge of theatre spaces and basic stage vocabulary. Use it with the Theatre Spaces PowerPoint and Teacher Transcript. Great for middle and high school students.
Printable Classroom Art – Parts of the Theatre
Brighten your classroom with these eight graphics that identify common spaces/elements of a theatre space.
People of the Theatre PowerPoint
Use this PowerPoint and helpful transcript to teach your students about the different jobs people hold in theatre.
People of the Theatre PowerPoint Transcript
Use this PowerPoint and helpful transcript to teach your students about the different jobs people hold in theatre.
Quiz-People of the Theatre
Use this quiz to assess your students’ knowledge after sharing the People of the Theatre PowerPoint and Teacher Transcript. Great for middle and high school students.
Printable Classroom Art – People of the Theatre
Brighten your classroom with these eleven graphics that identify common roles in the theatre.
History of Costume Design PowerPoint
Use this PowerPoint and helpful transcript to teach your students about costumes and clothing throughout history.
History of Costume Design Transcript
Use this PowerPoint and helpful transcript to teach your students about costumes and clothing throughout history.
Quiz-Journey Through the Ages in Costume
Use this quiz to assess your students’ knowledge after sharing the History of Costume Design PowerPoint and Teacher Transcript.
Printable Set Model Living Room Design
Printable living room set model for kids and teens. 37 pages!
Printable Set Model Living Room Design Photos
PDF series of photos of an actual Living Room Set Model being assembled.
Printable Set Model Castle Design
Printable castle set model for kids and teens. 51 pages!
Printable Set Model Castle Photos
PDF series of photos of an actual Castle Set Model being assembled.
Printable Set Model Multi-set Design
Printable multi-set model for kids and teens. 74 pages!
Printable Set Model Multi-Set Photos
PDF series of photos of Multi-set Models being assembled.
Rehearsal Strategies
Do you ever wonder how to keep everyone occupied at rehearsal? This resource is full of strategies to keep kids engaged so you can focus on directing.
Production Meeting Checklist
7-page checklist to use to keep track of your behind-the-scenes roles and dates.
Rehearsal Notes
Print and cut these easy-to-use templates for giving both line notes and acting notes during or after play rehearsal. Great for student stage managers and actors.
Simple Costume Chart
List of costume items for each individual actor in your play.
Costume Plot Template
Keep track of all the costumes in your play with this easy-to-use template.
Light Cue Sheet
Simple light cue sheet for your lighting designer and light board operator.
Sound Cue Sheet
Simple sound cue sheet for your sound designer and sound board operator.
Prop List
Simple prop list sheet for your student prop master.
House Manager Checklist
Two-page checklist for student house managers.
Set Design Activity
Theatre activity for drama class in which students use abstract concepts to create a set design. Watch the video of this lesson here.
Costume Closet Challenge
Fun costume activity that helps students to think creatively!
Costume Activities
23 costume-related activities for young actors!
Costume Design Templates
13 different templates of different body types, genders, abilities, and ages. Use this as a blank canvas upon which students sketch their costume design ideas.
Costumes Game
This original Drama Notebook activity helps students understand the relationship between costume/clothing and character. 30 imaginary costume pieces—ready to print out and use immediately.
Hats Game
Excellent drama warm-up game that uses hats as prompts for movement and characterization. 36 types of hats ready to print out, cut apart and use right away.
Shoebox Game
Fun, original drama activity in which students pull the names of different types of shoes out of a shoebox and pantomime putting on the shoes and moving in character.
Blank Character Faces
Print these two blank character faces to help students design their make-up for their clown face.
Face Off Stage Makeup Challenge
Working in small groups, students will apply makeup to fit the provided weekly theme. Students will have fun collaborating as they become comfortable and confident in the stagecraft of makeup application.
Traverse Staging PowerPoint
A thirty page PowerPoint presentation that teaches about traverse staging!
Cake Prop Design Lesson
In this fun and easy lesson, students will create their own pretend sponge cake slices. Using a variety of craft supplies and basic kitchen sponges, they will learn about making props for the stage. Fun for elementary through high school.