The Sweet History of Valentine’s Day

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4 characters and approximately 5 minutes long. Candy characters come to life and share the sweet history of Valentine’s Day. This is a fun play for elementary students to perform in class or at an assembly.

In this short play for kids, candy characters come to life and share the sweet history of Valentine’s Day. This is a great choice for elementary students to perform in class or at an assembly.


Candy the Cupid – A lively candy character who loves Valentine’s Day.
Choco – A wise chocolate heart who knows the history of the holiday.
Gummy – A playful gummy bear who just wants to have fun.
Lolly – A bright, cheerful lollipop who spreads joy.

Setting: A colorful candy shop filled with various candies, heart decorations, and Valentine’s Day cards.

Scene 1: The Candy Shop

(The stage is set with vibrant decorations. Candy the Cupid enters, bouncing around excitedly.)

Candy: (cheerfully) This is my favorite day of the year! I can’t wait to celebrate love and friendship with all my friends!

(Choco enters slowly, wearing a wise expression.)

Choco: (smiling) Woah Candy! It looks like you are having a sugar rush.

Candy: No Choco! I’m just excited for Valentine’s Day.

Choco: Me too! Do you know the history behind this sweet holiday?

Candy: (giggling) History? I just know it’s about candy and love!

Choco: That’s true but let me tell you how Valentine’s Day began!

(Gummy and Lolly enter. Gummy is bouncing and Lolly is swirling.)

Gummy: What’s this about history? Can’t we just have a party?

Candy: First, Choco is going to tell us how Valentine’s Day started.

Lolly: That sounds sweet.

Scene 2: The Legend of St. Valentine

Choco: Here we go. Long ago, in ancient Rome, there was a priest named Valentine.

Gummy: Valentine? That’s a funny name.

Candy: (curious) What did he do?

Choco: (dramatically) Well, Valentine defied the Emperor, who had banned young men from getting married because he thought single soldiers fought better.

Lolly: Well, that sounds random.

Choco: Right? So Valentine secretly married couples!

(Candy, Lolly, and Gummy pretend to hold a wedding, acting silly. Perhaps humming the wedding march tune.)

Candy: (grinning) That sounds like a sweet act of love! What happened next?

Scene 3: The First Valentine’s Cards

Choco: (continuing) Eventually, Valentine was caught and sent to prison.

Candy: What!? Prison? Just because he helped people get married?

Choco: Yep! And while he was there, he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter and sent her notes signed, “From Your Valentine.”

Lolly: Notes? Like cards? I love cards!

Candy: (excitedly) Me too! Do you think he invented Valentine’s cards?

Choco: (nodding) That’s right! People started sending cards to express love and friendship, making Valentine’s Day even sweeter!

Lolly: Look what I’ve got here! Valentine’s cards for all of you. (Showing cards that she had hidden.)

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