Clowning Lesson Plan for Schools

Clowning Lesson Plan
Twelve page lesson plan that covers: types of clowns; some clown history; pantomime; creating clown characters and more!

Drama Lesson Plan for Schools-History of Clowns

History of Clowns
Eight page overview of the history of clowns, starting nearly 5,000 years ago!

Puppetry Lesson Plan for Schools

Puppetry Overview
Put on a puppet show with this easy tutorial! Included are eight different ideas for handmade puppets.

Shoe Puppets

Shoe Puppets
Fun puppetry lesson using student’s own shoes.

Advanced Puppetry Drama Lesson Plan for Schools

Advanced Puppetry Lesson Plan
Detailed puppetry lesson plan for ages 9-13.

Simple Sock Puppets

Simple Sock Puppets
Easy tutorial for making sock puppets with students of all ages. A low-stress and creative project that can be completed in one class period.

Drama Lesson Plan for Schools-Clowning

Clown Gags
Eight short physical comedy routines for clowning unit!

Funny Poems to Perform in Drama Class

Giggle Poems
Sixteen hilarious short poems for younger students to perform.

Drama Lesson Plan for Make-up Blank Character Faces

Blank Character Faces
Print these two blank character faces to help students design their make-up for their clown face.

The Constitution Puppet Show

The Constitution Puppet Show
12 characters. 12 minutes running time. Short play featuring the founding fathers of the United States.