Shakespeare Activities-Drama Lesson Plan for Schools

Shakespeare Activities
13 pages packed full of Shakespeare lesson ideas, activities, tutorials and more!

More Shakespeare Activities

More Shakespeare Activities
11 more pages packed full of Shakespeare lesson ideas, activities, tutorials and more!

Very Short Shakespeare Plays for Drama Class

Shakespeare Plays
in a Minute

The plots of eight plays condensed to less than a paragraph each, plus four ways to use the synopses.

Shakespearean Insults-Shakespeare Drama Activity

Shakespearean Insults
Hilarious printable list that gives students the ability to lob funny, brilliant insults at each other.

Shakespeare Fun Facts-Shakespeare Drama Activity

Fun Facts

28 fun facts about Shakespeare that will delight you and your students!

Shakespeare Quotes-Shakespeare Drama Activity

Shakespeare Quotes
100 quotes ready to print out, cut apart and put in a hat! Includes activity instructions for using the quotes.

Macbeth Language Activities for Drama Class

Macbeth Language

Four innovative language activities that you will not find anywhere else. Ready to print and use right away!

Macbeth in Eleven Lines
Students can perform Macbeth in under a minute by using this printout of Macbeth in Eleven Lines! Includes instructions.

Midsummer Night's Dream Language Activities for Drama Class

Midsummer Language

Four innovative language activities that you will not find anywhere else. Ready to print and use right away!

Drama Activity for Schools-Name that Shakespeare Play

Name that Shakespeare Play!
Fun learning game in which students identify Shakespeare plays by reading a one-sentence clue!

Shakespeare's Words Homework Activity for Drama Class

Shakespeare Words

Eight pages containing instructions and two printable homework assignments.

Words Shakespeare Invented-Shakespeare Drama Activity

Words Shakespeare

Printable lists of over 50 words and 30 phrases that Shakespeare invented.

Shakespeare Drama Activity-Mystery Characters

Shakespeare Mystery
Characters Activity

Fourteen pages of ‘mystery’ characters to print out, cut apart and give to students as homework, or use for an in-class activity.

Shakespeare Drama Activity-Shakespeare Death Quotes

Death Quotes

Thirty ‘dying speeches’ from Shakespeare characters ready to print out, cut apart and use right away.

Shakespeare Soliloquies-Drama Activity for Schools

Shakespeare Soliloquies
34 of the most famous (and brief) speeches, ready to print and hand out to your students!

Shakespeare Sonnets to Perform

Sonnets to Perform
Sixteen sonnets, chosen for their simplicity. Ready to print and distribute to your class right away—also includes translations!

Shakespeare Trivia Game

Printable Shakespeare
Trivia Game

FUN printable game that gets students on-their-feet and thinking while learning about Shakespeare!

Short Romeo and Juliet-Romeo and Juliet in One Week

Romeo and Juliet
in One Week

Romeo and Juliet takes place over the course of just seven days! Inspire your students to tell the story of Romeo and Juliet by breaking it down by what happens each day of the week.

Shakespeare Stories
Four Shakespeare plays told in story form to help you and your students learn the plots easily!

Shakespeare Tableaus
Students can immediately re-enact Shakespeare plays using movement with this printable activity!

Drama Activity for Schools-Shakespeare Character Match-up

Shakespeare Character Match-up
Six pages. Three fun worksheets designed to help your students identify which characters belong in Shakespeare’s most popular plays.

Drama Activity for Schools-Shakespeare Character Maps

Shakespeare Character Maps
Eight Shakespeare character maps designed to help students remember who-is-who in each Shakespeare play!

Elizabethan Humors

Elizabethan Humors
Shakespeare drama lesson on Elizabethan humors. Watch the video of this lesson here.

Escape Room - Shakespeare

Escape Room - Shakespeare
Engaging escape room activity that can be played in the classroom or online. Collaborate to crack codes and learn Shakespeare theatre vocabulary. Fun for middle and high school students. Easy prep activity lasts about 30 minutes.

Shakespeare Word Search

Shakespeare Word Search
Students find 30 words related to Shakespeare.