Are you directing a school play or a play for young audiences? Here are some helpful resources to help you with auditions, casting, rehearsals, staging and more!
How to Make a Production Book
If you are directing a play, this amazing guide will help you build and organize your production notebook. It is perfect for both new and experienced directors and stage managers.
Tips for Staging Shows
Short guide for putting on a show with younger students. Includes expert tips on casting, staging and rehearsing!
How to Put on a Show
Have you been asked to put on a play at your school or with your group, and find it a daunting task? Or have you been doing plays for years and are looking for an easier or less expensive alternative?
How to Put on Short Plays
Three-page guide to putting on short plays with young children.
Rehearsal Strategies to Keep All Kids Engaged
Do you ever wonder how to keep everyone occupied at rehearsal? This resource is full of strategies to keep kids engaged so you can focus on directing.
Drama Sign-up Flyer Example
Example of a flyer to help promote your show/class/workshop.
Play Rehearsal Schedule Template
Simple rehearsal schedule outline for school plays and after-school drama programs.
Rehearsal Checklists
Keep track of all the scenes you’ve worked on from blocking through tech week. Whether you are rehearsing a simple play with kids, or a full-length musical, these checklists are a lifesaver.
Audition Form for Elementary
Editable audition form template for elementary or primary school productions.
Audition form for Middle School and High School
Editable audition form template for middle school and high school productions.
Student Actor Contract
A contract for the cast and crew to sign when committing to a show.
Production Meeting Checklist
7-page checklist to use to keep track of your behind-the-scenes roles and dates.
Backstage Expectations Handout
Teach your students backstage etiquette for working in the theatre.
Theatre Etiquette!
Theatre etiquette rules for middle school and high school students.
Theatre Etiquette for Younger Students
Theatre etiquette rules for elementary students.
Attention Getters
32 ideas for getting your students’ attention in drama class or rehearsal. Perfect for all ages.
How to Cast Younger Students
No more hurt feelings when it comes to casting!
Theatre Vocabulary
Most comprehensive list of theatre terminology you will find anywhere! Over 11 pages and 150 theatrical terms.
Stage Directions and Movement
Here are all the basic elements of stage direction and movement in one 13 page tutorial!
Medical Release Form for Students
Are you putting on a show or running a camp with student actors? Use this ready-made medical release form to make sure that you have the proper permissions to handle medical issues and emergencies.
School Play Program Template
Easy layout idea for a play program that can be printed on just one sheet of paper.
Rehearsal Notes
Giving meaningful rehearsal notes is helpful for everyone. These templates help save time and energy. Perfect for stage managers and actors.
Simple Costume Chart
List of costume items for each individual actor in your play.
Costume Plot Template
Keep track of all the costumes in your play with this easy-to-use template.
Light Cue Sheet
Simple light cue sheet for your lighting designer and light board operator.
Sound Cue Sheet
Simple sound cue sheet for your sound designer and sound board operator.
Prop List
Simple prop list sheet for your student prop master.
House Manager Checklist
Two-page checklist for student house managers.
How to Write Bios
Helpful guide and templates for creating actor bios to use in your theatre program.
Traverse Staging PowerPoint
A thirty page PowerPoint presentation that teaches about traverse staging!
Theatre Spaces PowerPoint
Use this PowerPoint and helpful transcript to teach your students about theatre spaces and basic stage vocabulary. Explore the different types of stages, curtains, lights, and more.
Theatre Spaces PowerPoint Transcript
Use this transcript with our Theatre Spaces PowerPoint Presentation.
Printable Classroom Art – Parts of the Theatre
Brighten your classroom with these eight graphics that identify common spaces/elements of a theatre space.
People of the Theatre PowerPoint
Use this PowerPoint and helpful transcript to teach your students about the different jobs people hold in theatre.
People of the Theatre PowerPoint Transcript
Use this PowerPoint and helpful transcript to teach your students about the different jobs people hold in theatre.
Printable Classroom Art – People of the Theatre
Brighten your classroom with these eleven graphics that identify common roles in the theatre.
Printable Classroom Art – Acting Terms
Brighten your classroom with these seven graphics that define common terms used in acting.
How to Put on a Themed Show
18-page guide that easily walks you through the process of creating a themed-show that is fully created by the students.
How to Run a Drama Camp
20 page guide that teaches you how to set up and run a drama camp for fun and profit!
How to Put On a Stress-Free Holiday Show
Complete guide to putting on an original holiday showcase. 25 pages including rehearsal schedule, set design ideas, monologues, stories, poems and more!
Drama Camp and Show Themes
Ten pages of ideas for putting on a themed-show with your group.
Public Domain Songs
76 Songs to Use in Your Classroom or School Performance.
How to Make Your Mystery Play Interactive
Tips for making any mystery play more interactive.