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Instructions for the Master Criminal Role Play Cards. 7 pages. TEN activities with detailed instructions to use with your group!

Students of all ages love crime scenes and playing criminals and detectives! We’ve created this engaging set up role play cards and activities that you can use in a variety of ways. There is one pantomime activity, two improv games, and seven detailed improv scene scenarios, and You will need to download the Master Criminals Role Play Cards.

Example of an improv scene scenario:


Students should get into pairs. Give each pair one crime card. One actor will be the “criminal” and the other will be the “police informer” who is wearing a “wire.” Pairs may choose their location for the meeting. The police informer will attempt to pressure a confession out of the criminal. This person can be a friend or family member of the criminal. The criminal does NOT know that the informer is wearing a wire and should behave accordingly.

The object is to create tension and drama within the scene. Remind students that there are no “winners” in this exercise. If the criminal says nothing or refuses to admit to any part of the crime, the scene will die quickly. The same is true if they admit to it right away. The informer’s objective is simple: get the criminal to admit to the crime completely. Each criminal should choose their objective for the scene and play that objective throughout.

Examples of the criminal’s objective would be to get the friend/family member to:

  • Give them an alibi for the crime
  • Be impressed (boasting about their crimes)
  • Get money from them (threaten, beg, borrow)
  • Agree to be a part of a new crime

Feel sorry for them (maybe crime was accidental?)

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Master Criminals Improv Scenarios
Master Criminals Warm-ups

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