Huge collection of drama warm-up activities for theatre educators, team building, children’s theatre, or anyone working with actors. We have warm-ups for voice, imagination, movement and more!
Breathing Exercises
Eleven pages of breathing activities and instructions written by guest artist Lindsay Price of Theatrefolk.
Vocal Warm Ups
Twelve fun ways to help students warm-up their voices to prepare for rehearsal or performance.
Vocal Tools for Actors
Ages 11 and up. This handout provides a fun and powerful way for your students to add depth, variety, and expression to their line delivery.
Physical Warm-ups
19 pages. Here are 22 ways to warm up the body before rehearsal/acting class!
Tongue Twisters
Tongue twisters can help actors become better annunciators. Here are 42 tongue twisters ready to read aloud with your group, or print and cut apart to put in a hat.
Brain Dance
Creative movement warm-up lesson with accompanying Brain Dance video!
Wizard-Themed Physical Warm-ups
Three detailed drama warm-up activities with a wizard theme!
Wizard-Themed Vocal Warm-ups
Four amazing vocal warm-up activities with wizard themes for drama class!
Wacky Drama Warm-ups
Six brand new drama warm-ups with detailed instructions on seven pages!
Political Candidates Drama Warm-ups
For ages 12 and up. Here are three inventive warm-ups related to the world of politics!
Holiday Warm-ups
Seven hilarious drama warm-ups for all ages with holiday themes!
Improv Warm-ups
17 pages of improv warm-ups categorized by learning goal!
Master Criminals Warm-ups
7 drama warm-up exercises to use with a crime scene, or murder mystery drama unit.