Friendship and Fun Scenes for Early Readers

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Ten short friendship and fun scenes for early readers or English language learners.

Are you working with very young children, early readers, English language learners, or students with learning challenges? These short scenes for pairs offer an excellent way to help students become familiar with play scripts, practice reading, and become more confident with reading aloud.

We have several collections of these scenes on Drama Notebook. Here are more:

Fable and Folk Tale Scenes for Early Readers

Fairy Tale Scenes for Early Readers

Occupations Scenes for Early Readers

Emotions Scenes for Early Readers

About the Playwright:

Jennifer Reif has been teaching, directing, and performing around the Pacific Northwest for decades. Her shelves are lined with children’s books and her happy place is in the woods. She loves devising theatre projects with kids and sharing creative ideas with teachers. Jennifer holds her BA in Theatre from Morningside College and also studied at Oxford University in England.

Sample Scene:

Pet Sitter
One person needs a pet sitter for their not-so-typical pets.

A. Do you like animals?
B. Yes, I love animals.
A. Do you like small animals?
B. Yes, I love small animals.
A. What kind of small animals do you like?
B. I like frogs and birds and cats.
A. Do you like mice?
B. No, I do not like mice!
A. Do you like big animals?
B. Yes, I love big animals.
A. What kind of big animals do you like?
B. I like cows and horses and elephants.
A. Do you like sharks?
B. No. I do not like sharks!
A. What are you doing next week?
B. Nothing. Why do you ask?
A. Would you like to take care of my pets?
B. Yes. I would love to take care of your pets.
A. Can you feed them and take them for walks?
B. I can do that. What kind of pets do you have?
A. A mouse and a shark.
B. No thank you!

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