Play Script for Young Children-Lost and Found

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2 characters. Flexible casting. 3 pages. A short play for children about disorganization written by Phyllis J. Perry.

Lost and Found is a cute short play for two children. Visitor asks Chris if he would like to come out to play. Unfortunately, Chris has homework to redo and has lost his permission slip for the class field trip. As Visitor helps Chris search for it, they stumble upon some great finds along the way! In the end, Chris learns that he may be more organized than he thought!

This play is also included in Plays For You And A Friend Or Two, a compilation of twelve short plays, each with 2 or 3 characters, and simple staging. The plays are written for elementary school children and include: THREE STICKS; LOST AND FOUND; THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER; THE MAGIC HAT; PIRATE TREASURE; CALYPSO, THE ROYAL DRAGON; TWO FUSSY FROGS; IN THE CAVE; GLOOMY, RAINY DAY; NEVER EMPTY STEW POT; HICCUPS; and FOR YOU OR FOR ME?. These fun plays are full of friendship, humor, fantasy, and magic and children will love to perform them in class or on stage!

Phyllis J. Perry lives in Boulder, Colorado. She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, holds a Masters Degree from San Francisco State, and a doctorate from the University of Colorado, Boulder. She has been active in three community theaters. Phyllis is a retired teacher who writes for children and adults. She writes fiction and nonfiction books, poetry and plays. A list of her 92 books can be found on her web site,

Excerpt from the play:


Two children, Visitor and Chris.

At the front door of Chris’s home.

A backpack filled with books, a crumpled math paper, a jacket, a locket, a pair of jeans, a dollar bill, and a permission slip,

AT RISE: As the scene opens, Visitor is knocking at the door of Chris’s house. Chris comes and opens the door.

Hi, Chris. Can you play?

No, I can’t play right now. I have math homework to do. But first, I’ve lost something important and I have to find it. Want to help me look for it?

Sure. What did you lose? (Comes inside and closes the door.)

I lost that permission slip from school that we were supposed to bring home, get our mothers to sign, and return to school. It lets us go on the class field trip. I forgot to bring it today. Tomorrow is the trip. If I don’t find it and take it back, I won’t be able to go.

Don’t look so worried. We can find it. It’s probably still in your backpack. Where’s your pack?

It’s in my bedroom. (The two move into the bedroom. Chris picks up her backpack.) I just looked all through it, and I couldn’t find the note.

Let’s look again. Maybe it’s there and you just didn’t see it. You know what they say, two sets of eyes are better than one.

(The two begin to take everything out of the pack. They search all the pockets, and they flip through the pages of each of the books that is inside. )

Look! (She holds up a crumpled piece of paper.) It’s my math homework. I couldn’t find it this morning, so I was going to have to do it all over again tonight. Now I don’t have homework to do!

Great. Now if we can find your permission slip, you can play. Let’s tuck that paper right inside the front cover of your math books you’ll know where it is.

I’m glad to find my math paper. But the permission form just isn’t here.

Maybe it’s in the pocket of your coat or your jeans. Can you remember what you wore to school last Friday?

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