Short Play Script for Children-The Magic Hat

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2 characters. 2F. 4 pages. A short play for children about an enchanted hat written by Phyllis J. Perry.

The Magic Hat is a short play for two children. Ellen takes a walk in the park and meets Beth who is wearing an unusual hat. Beth explains that she is new to the neighborhood but when she tells Ellen that her hat is magical, Ellen isn’t so easily convinced. When she tries it out herself, Beth assures her that it is magic that is making things appear and not just coincidence!

This play is also included in Plays For You And A Friend Or Two, a compilation of twelve short plays, each with 2 or 3 characters, and simple staging. The plays are written for elementary school children and include: THREE STICKS; LOST AND FOUND; THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER; THE MAGIC HAT; PIRATE TREASURE; CALYPSO, THE ROYAL DRAGON; TWO FUSSY FROGS; IN THE CAVE; GLOOMY, RAINY DAY; NEVER EMPTY STEW POT; HICCUPS; and FOR YOU OR FOR ME?. These fun plays are full of friendship, humor, fantasy, and magic and children will love to perform them in class or on stage!

Phyllis J. Perry lives in Boulder, Colorado. She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, holds a Masters Degree from San Francisco State, and a doctorate from the University of Colorado, Boulder. She has been active in three community theaters. Phyllis is a retired teacher who writes for children and adults. She writes fiction and nonfiction books, poetry and plays. A list of her 92 books can be found on her web site,

Excerpt from the play:


Two children, Ellen and Beth

A park

Hat, Stick, Stones, Popsicles

AT RISE: One child sits, on a bench in a park. This child is wearing a hat. Another child comes walking along. She stops in front of the girl who is sitting.

Hi, there. Who are you, and what are you doing sitting here alone in the park?

Hi. I’m Beth. I just moved here. We live in the yellow house on the corner on the other side of the park. (She points across the park.) And what does it look like I’m doing? I’m sitting here wearing my magic hat.

Magic hat? What’s magic about it?

I put it on, close my eyes, make a wish, and my wish comes true.


Really. I just did it.

You just worked magic?

Yes, I did.

Tell me how it works.

I was lonesome, because we just moved here. My brother made a friend already, but I don’t know anybody yet. My brother went off some place this morning and told me not to tag-along. I didn’t have anybody to play with. So I came over here to the park and put on my magic hat. I wished for a new friend. And ZHASAAM! Here you are.

You mean I’m part of the magic?

Sure you are. You’re my new friend. At least I hope you will be.

Could I wear the magic hat?

Of course. (She takes off the magic hat and gives it to Ellen.)

(Taking the magic hat.) What do I do?

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