Superhero Scenes for Pairs

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These 11 short scenes about superheroes are perfect for elementary and middle school. Includes 10 funny scenes for pairs and one scene for three people. Also includes ideas for using the scripts and discussion questions.

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s eleven superhero scenes! Your elementary and middle schoolers will love performing these original short scenes. While they are making their classmates laugh they will be building acting skills, confidence, and learning to collaborate. Use the scenes in class or for performance. Includes 10 scenes for pairs and one for three people.

More Superhero Lesson and Play Scripts on Drama Notebook
Superhero Drama Lesson Plan
Superhero Drama Games and Activities
Silly Superheroes
Superhero Character Worksheet and Costume Design
Super Me Superhero-themed Play Script
Superhero Rejects Superhero-themed Play Script
Superhero Scenes for Pairs
Defective Heroes Anonymous

Sample scene:
It’s Raining Cats and Dogs!

A. Superhero B. Superhero
Situation: It’s literally raining cats and dogs.

A. Good morning. Are you ready for the week?

B. I was born ready.

A. Did you hear about the latest crisis?

B. Nope. What is it?

A. It’s raining cats and dogs.

B. Like, literally?

A. Yes. Cats and dogs are falling from the sky.

B. Who would want to make the weather so wacky?

A. It’s gotta be a supervillain, probably The Wild Thing.

B. You’re right. The Wild Thing is always messing up our Mondays.

A. Remember when he turned all the roads to ice?

B. That was terrible. We had to call in The Human Torch to thaw everything before the morning commute.

A. Or the time he made it so windy that the earth blew off its axis?

B. That was bad. We had to call in Mighty Mother Nature for that one.

A. The boss says it’s gotta be one of us this time.

B. Well I’m not gonna do it. I’m allergic to dogs.

A. Well I’m not gonna do it. I’m allergic to cats.

B Rock, Paper, Scissors?

A. Okay. (They play a round of rock, paper, scissors)

B. Aha! I win! You have to solve this problem.

A. Fine! But I’m going to need an umbrella.

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